What Do You Mean, This Is Why?

This is the part where we’ll tell you what the problem is, why we’re here, and how we can all make a difference.
This Is Why we need to rethink meat consumption.


What’s the Problem?

More than 99% of all meat consumed globally comes from a “concentrated animal feeding operation” or CAFO (kay-foe) for short. These operations pose serious threats to the health of our planet, ecosystems, atmosphere, water resources, wildlife and human life— yes, that means you!


So, What is This Is Why?

We’re here to help innovative and forward thinking people like you make the first step in saving our planet by educating, raising awareness, and making meat reduction in daily life an easy and fun process! We want to give you (at least) one good reason to decrease how much meat you eat.


How Can We Make Change?

Reducing meat consumption is the best way to take power away from the big corporations who are exploiting our planet, abusing animals, endangering the health of humanity, and poisoning our largest natural resource: water.


How Can Big Farms Possibly Be Impacting All Those Things?

Great question! It’s one we really want you to have the answer to. So this is the part where we direct you to our page chock-full of research that can help you understand it better. Know What You’re Talking About!